So you want to live in a faerie tale?
Be careful what you wish for…
The Kingdom of Grimsby Snow White is the first adventure set in the Kingdom of Grimsby where all of the characters are inspired by Tales of the Brothers Grimm (more to come!). Three hags were banished from the kingdom, and now they are now back to get their revenge on the entire kingdom and its royal families!
The players are a dwarven mining team who are caught in the middle finding themselves on an adventure to save their missing friend. This leads them on a path to saving the entire kingdom and the royal family. They travel from the Village of Hameln, into the Enchanted Forest, teleporting into the Feywild, and ending at the Castle of Grimsby in the heart of the City of Grimsby. Along the way, they encounter new creatures, allies, and enemies.
Now available exclusively at Drive Thru RPG!