The Kingdom of Grimsby Bremen Town-Musicians
Far away, in the Kingdom of Grimsby, there was a group of unlikely heroes…
Far away in the Kingdom of Grimsby, there is a group of animals who are heading to Bremen to be musicians. They find themselves trapped in a cabin who's occupants are up to no good and they might be ghosts of the animals' pasts...
This is the second book in the Kingdom of Grimsby, a place made of characters inspired by the tales told and collected by the Brothers Grimm in a 5E framework. The book is for up to 6 players playing sixth-level characters. They play a group of animals (new races, subclasses, and backgrounds). The adventure takes about 5-7 hours to run. This is an adventure written for new and experienced game masters. All of the character sheets, creature and item stats are included, so only a handbook is needed to run it.